Stolen Valor 2.0 – A Crime Against Those Who Sacrificed

Stolen Valor 2.0 – A Crime Against Those Who Sacrificed So Much

Stolen Valor doesn’t often make it into the news.  It takes a high profile case to catch the media’s attention and even then, it must fit their narrative, before the public is “informed.”

A case in point is a certain United States senator, whose name we will not mention. Suffice to say, it starts with B and ends with L. His oh so sleazy profile has come to my attention once again as he “interviews” a REAL American hero, Peter Hegseth. But I digress…

Valor (or valour in British English) – noun – boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle;  heroic courage;  bravery (

When someone falsely claims to have seen action in any battlefield situation while serving in the military, that’s stolen valor.  Some may question that, wondering what makes it a big deal simply to claim you were in combat “over there,” wherever that is.

Stolen Valor real soldier
Herb Cottrell, the author’s dad, before deployment to Korea

Continue reading “Stolen Valor 2.0 – A Crime Against Those Who Sacrificed”

War is Hell but Bullies Don’t Understand Pacifism

War is Hell but Bullies Don’t Understand Pacifism

War IS hell but bullies don’t understand anything but force.

War is hell. Stop bullying
War is hell. Stop bullying.

When I was a kid in school, which for many might seem like a long, long time ago, there were bullies.  Fighting wasn’t allowed in school even then, but bullies didn’t understand that, either. Maybe they didn’t think of it as fighting when they picked on other kids. Or maybe they didn’t think of potential consequences. Or maybe they just saw kids that didn’t fight back as weaklings to be exploited for their enjoyment. Continue reading “War is Hell but Bullies Don’t Understand Pacifism”

Conversation with Phil Ollenberg, Enrollment Expert in Canadian Universities and Colleges

Conversation with Phil Ollenberg, Enrollment Expert in Canadian Universities and Colleges

As part of our series on enrolling in Canadian Universities and Colleges we have been conversing with many leaders and experts in university admissions and enrollment. One such expert is Mr. Phil Ollenberg who has worked in Canadian Universities and Colleges for 15 years.


A man with ideas - Phil OllenbergMr. Phil Ollenberg has given many countless presentations to parents, teachers and students about the complex ways that Canadian Universities and Colleges give admission and assess candidates for admission. He has worked as an admission officer, student recruitment office, and as a manager for a number of department areas. Continue reading “Conversation with Phil Ollenberg, Enrollment Expert in Canadian Universities and Colleges”

Freedom of Speech Coming to an End in your Once Free Country

Freedom of Speech Coming to an End in your Once Free Country

Freedom of speech is dying in the USA and other once free countries around the world and few are noticing.  As populations have moved from TV, phone calls and letters to texting and social media for virtually all their information and communication, the most popular two, Twitter and Facebook, have taken it upon themselves to become the “thought police.”

Freedom of speech - the Eagle symbol

On August 10, 2020, NBC News reported that Facebook has found more than 3 million members of the QAnon community on its platform.  The report went on to say that Facebook has accepted more than 185 ads in the last 30 days that support QAnon, earning them $12,000. Continue reading “Freedom of Speech Coming to an End in your Once Free Country”

Free web hosting advantages

What is free web hosting? (guest post)

What is free web hosting?  First of all, what is web hosting?

Web hosting ifree web hostings a service that allows organizations and individuals to own a website or web page on the Internet. A web host, or hosting service provider, is a company that provides the technologies and services necessary to own a website or web page on the Internet. Websites are placed or stored on special computers called servers.
Continue reading “Free web hosting advantages”

Vindicated! January 16, 2021

Vindicated!  January 16, 2021 is a day to mark on your calendars.

Vindicated after more than a year but it finally happened!


I guess it’s an ego thing, but today I am feeling vindicated after watching Warroom Pandemic with Steve Bannon.  I have been saying since January 2020 that the Wuhan virus came from a lab.  I said the most likely scenario was that an employee or employees at the lab accidentally got infected and then took it into their community.  I never accepted the “wet market” story. Continue reading “Vindicated! January 16, 2021”

Why Conspiracy Theories Have a Bad Name in the 21st Century

Why Conspiracy Theories Have a Bad Name in the 21st Century

Why do conspiracy theories have a bad name?  Or do they?  Or are they bad, anyway?

conspiracy theories Guantanamo Bay

The answer is a bit complicated. Let’s start by defining what constitutes a conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theories are, at their most basic level, suspicions based on something that someone is doing sneaky and dishonest stuff most people are not aware of, on the sly.  In fact, it’s rare for a conspiracy theory to be based on nothing. Continue reading “Why Conspiracy Theories Have a Bad Name in the 21st Century”

Why are Conspiracy Sites the 1st Destination for Truth?

Why are Conspiracy Sites the 1st Destination So Many Go to for Truth?

Why do conspiracy sites seem to be the first place so many go to for their facts?

This question came to my mind again today, after several people blasted me for being a “sheep” for suggesting that wearing masks in public places, as mandated in many jurisdictions, now, is probably a good idea.

Of course, they “know” I’m an idiot for believing all that scientific “nonsense,” a mindless drone blindly following the edicts of “the deep state…”

conspiracy sitesBut the real truth is, I have the statements of people who are – surprise, surprise – actual scientists who are advising the politicians based on the way they are reading actual data. Continue reading “Why are Conspiracy Sites the 1st Destination for Truth?”

Chaos in the U.S. – 1 day after elections, more trouble on its way

Chaos in the U.S. – 1 day after elections, more trouble on its way

Chaos in the U.S. is what I have been expecting since the 1980s, but hoped to never see. I hope they can keep a lid on it. It’s important to note that the kind of cheating going on in 2020 would not even be possible if the country was not so closely polarized. The best political answer is a strong third party. The very best answer is if Christians, unlike what John Piper et al keep spouting, would pray, exercise their civic duty, and vote.chaos in the u.s. must end

What Piper and friends are missing when they tell everyone that it’s wrong to vote for non-Christian politicians is that by not doing their civic duty and voting for the party that is most likely to support life, liberty, and freedom of religion, they are opening the door for the party that supports the slaughter of innocents, the end of personal freedom, and the end of religious freedom. Continue reading “Chaos in the U.S. – 1 day after elections, more trouble on its way”