Vindicated!  January 16, 2021 is a day to mark on your calendars.

Vindicated after more than a year but it finally happened!


I guess it’s an ego thing, but today I am feeling vindicated after watching Warroom Pandemic with Steve Bannon.  I have been saying since January 2020 that the Wuhan virus came from a lab.  I said the most likely scenario was that an employee or employees at the lab accidentally got infected and then took it into their community.  I never accepted the “wet market” story.


I said that it was very contagious when they were telling us on legacy media that there was no human-to-human spread.  I could not understand how the Five Eyes intelligence community could not see what I could see from cell phone video getting out of mainland China (They will never convince me they didn’t see what I saw, a nobody at my computer in a tiny town on the Pacific west coast).

Conspiracy theory?

People called me a conspiracy theorist and much worse.  They said I was scaremongering and making things up, etc., etc.

Today we are finally hearing, directly from Mike Pompeo and the US State Department, after their investigation, that the virus was from the lab in Wuhan, which is actually (big surprise) run by the Chinese military.  They were working on gain-of-function research to weaponize coronavirus samples sourced from bats.

The CCP are murderous gangsters

The CCP knew about the virus escape but kept quiet about it and silenced the whistleblowers in their country.  They allowed thousands of infected people to fly all over the world, taking the virus to multiple countries on every continent but Antarctica (and it has finally reached there, too).

They are responsible for over 2 million deaths, and it’s likely that number will reach at least 3 million before this is over.  Already, mutant strains that are much more contagious are showing up everywhere.

The motive of the CCP in developing such biological weapons appears to be more economic than anything.  They want to be world leaders in vaccine production.  There idea appears to be to create new strains of virus using gain-of-function technology, then develop vaccines for them, then release them into the world so they can appear on the scene as the saviors of the world (for a price, of course).

This pandemic has killed millions, wiped out untold numbers of small businesses, and destroyed the most robust economies.  It has even changed the course of at least one election, the 2020 presidential election in the USA.

A reckoning

The CCP must be held accountable.  Not only did they cause an untold amount of misery in their own country, which is exploding again, even as I write this – they caused untold misery all over the planet.

The present CCP virus pandemic has created a lot of fear, but that needs to change. Most of the fear comes from legacy media noise, the never-ending reports from various levels of government about how many people have been infected for that day.

We know that more than 2 million people have died worldwide during this pandemic, whose deaths are attributed to the virus.  This is not a debate about the numbers.  That’s for another time.

What IS a fact is that the number of confirmed fatalities compared to the number of confirmed infections is around 2% world-wide.  That definitely fits the definition of a pandemic.

The upside

But the flip side of that is that if you do contract the virus, you have a 98% possibility of surviving it (on average).  Of course there are other factors, such as age, general health, etc.  But to live in fear makes no sense, and in fact, has been proven to lower the strength of your immune system.

So my advice is, soldier up, trust God, and carry on.  We go through many things in life.  This is one of them.

Many things are happening in the world right now.  Sometimes it’s really hard to separate the signals from the noise.  But progress is being made.

Today, January 16, 2021, there are 26,000 troops in Washington, DC.  Secretary Pompeo has released the statement clearly stating that the CCP is responsible for allowing a virus they created, that they knew leaked from their own lab, to go out to the entire world.

President Trump is going about business as usual, seemingly oblivious to the fact that next Wednesday, according to all the noise, is his very last day as POTUS.  There are very interesting times.  Perilous times.

Keep looking up!


2 replies on “Vindicated! January 16, 2021”

  1. Sounds like an act of war to me. Eventually, President Trump, or whoever is in charge from the military, will have to declare war with this country. It seems the the CCP will not accept negotiations.

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