Bloglovin’? Will you Follow me on there? Have you tried it?
I’m always looking for more ways to gain exposure and get organic traffic, that is, people who actually want to come see my site because – well – they think it might be of interest to them! So I look at places that offer a little more publicity for bloggers like myself.

How does it work?
But is it safe?
I’ve been on it with a number of sites for quite a few years and have never had a problem, other than with the quality of the people who have followed my blog. I get a notice in my inbox every time someone follows, and I can easily check them out.
But I have had no problems with security of any kind and have actually found some really interesting and quality blogs by spending a bit of time on the site. There are a lot of good blogs linked on there.
So, if you like what you see here on this blog, please consider following me here and also on Bloglovin’. I can use the exposure, and perhaps you will find it handy, too.