Stolen Valor 2.0 – A Crime Against Those Who Sacrificed

Stolen Valor 2.0 – A Crime Against Those Who Sacrificed So Much Stolen Valor doesn’t often make it into the news.  It takes a high profile case to catch the media’s attention and even then, it must fit their narrative, before the public is “informed.” A case in point is a certain United States senator, …

Freedom of Speech Coming to an End in your Once Free Country

Freedom of Speech Coming to an End in your Once Free Country Freedom of speech is dying in the USA and other once free countries around the world and few are noticing.  As populations have moved from TV, phone calls and letters to texting and social media for virtually all their information and communication, the …

Vindicated! January 16, 2021

Vindicated!  January 16, 2021 is a day to mark on your calendars. Vindicated after more than a year but it finally happened! Ego? I guess it’s an ego thing, but today I am feeling vindicated after watching Warroom Pandemic with Steve Bannon.  I have been saying since January 2020 that the Wuhan virus came from …

When is Lying Justified?  How Scientists Pragmatically Flunk Ethics 101

When is Lying Justified?  How Scientists Pragmatically Flunk Ethics 101 So exactly when IS lying justified? How have scientists pragmatically flunked Ethics 101 – or have they?  Perhaps the question should be, “Can pragmatism ever ethically justify lying?”  Does the ends justify the means, even if the means, itself, is illegal, unethical or dishonest? Some …

Conspiracy Theories – Whatever Happened to Thinking for Yourself?

 Conspiracy Theories – Whatever Happened to Thinking for Yourself? Conspiracy theories abound.  Why?  Whatever happened to thinking for yourself?  Have people forgotten how?  Sometimes it seems like it!   If we were to give the times we live in a name, like, “The Dark Ages, or, “The Enlightenment,” or, “The Industrial Age,” what would we …

Pandemic or Plandemic?  What is really harming you in 2020?

Pandemic or Plandemic? What are we so scared of in 2020? Pandemic or “plandemic:”  in 2020 we are facing the health crisis of our lifetime.  Or are we? If you go on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube in 2020, the chances are very good you’re going to come across lots of conflicting information.  Is it a pandemic …

Venezuela and the Cuba Connection Should Concern the Free World

Venezuela and the Cuba Connection Should Concern the Free World Some interesting information regarding the Venezuelan crisis was recently shared with me. What follows are some of the points the commentator made.  You can easily verify most of this information with a little checking.  I’ve also added more information to make it easier for those …